VAILO supports local manufacturing by contracted a new casting supplier, Mett, a local automotive manufacturing company in Melbourne.

VAILO supports local manufacturing

Australian advanced technology company VAILO, has contracted a new casting supplier Mett, a local automotive manufacturing company in Melbourne.

VAILO has chosen Mett to become the local supplier of luminaire brackets for its Australian-designed and manufactured LED lighting product, the Zenith Gen-V, showcasing its commitment to supporting local.

Contracting the Melbourne-based company means the brackets will travel in 100% recycled packaging on a smaller freight timeline from Melbourne to Adelaide instead of complex supply chain routes out of China.

VAILO CEO and Founder Aaron Hickmann says that the economic benefits supporting local provides to Australia is vital.

“Supporting local manufacturing companies increases employment and sustains important design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities here in Australia.” Mr Hickmann said. 

“We’re excited to be working with Mett, a long term successful, globally competitive exporter of high-quality die-castings to the world.

“Showing our support to other local companies is essential as we know the importance to be supported as a local manufacturer.”

Mett also stated its pleasure dealing with Australian manufacturer VAILO.   

“The entire team at Mett is delighted to be part of this Australian project and look forward to another local manufacturer prosper in the future, exporting to the world,” said Mett General Manager Markus Schoelderle. 

About VAILO  

VAILO is an Australian advanced technology company with its core in ultra-high-powered LED lighting. VAILO is committed to accelerating disruptive and sustainable technologies and has transitioned from importer to manufacturer, exporting Australian designed and made LED lighting product with their flagship stadium light, the Zenith Gen-V.  

About Mett

Established in 1983, Mett’s state of the art facility for aluminium diecasting benchmarks itself globally amongst the best. Mett’s expertise extends to precision casting, finishing, machining and assembly. Mett’s outstanding manufacturing achievements has been recognised for supplying value, quality, service and worldwide competitive pricing. General Motors prestigious International Supplier of the Year Award stands out amid the numerous accolades received.